Ditch Vision: essays on poetry, nature and place by Jeremy Hooker – review by Ian Brinton
Tears in the Fence In the first essay of this remarkably wide-ranging book Jeremy Hooker refers to examining an entire life of a...
Ditch Vision: essays on poetry, nature and place by Jeremy Hooker – review by Ian Brinton
Reflections on an evening with Lindsay Clarke at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 6 S
New Book by Jeremy Hooker about Poetry, Nature, and Place
Karola Renard’s The Firekeeper’s Daughter
A Dance with Hermes, Lindsay Clarke – review by Fiona Tinker
A Dance with Hermes by Lindsay Clarke – review by Lorna Smithers
The Windsmith Elegy – Steampunk and Bardic Fantasy
‘A Dance with Hermes’: an evening with Lindsay Clarke in Bath on 6 September
On the Cover: Glossing the Spoils
Writing on the Wall: Poetry and Saving the Planet