Kevan Manwaring
Kevan Manwaring is the author of The Windsmith Elegy series of novels (2004–12), The Bardic Handbook (2006), Desiring Dragons (2014), Lost Islands (2008), The Way of Awen (2010), Oxfordshire Folk Tales (2012), Northamptonshire Folk Tales (2013), and The Immanent Moment (2010). A substantial gathering of his bardic verse, Silver Branch, is forthcoming from Awen. A Fellow of Hawthornden, the Eccles Centre (British Library), and the Higher Education Academy, Kevan has taught creative writing for the Open University since 2004, as well as at Portsmouth University, Imperial College London, and Skyros Writers’ Lab. He writes for the London Magazine and is a co-judge of their short story competition. He was a consultant for BBC TV’s The Secret Life of Books. Based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, he tweets and blogs as The Bardic Academic and is the founder of Awen Publications.
Awen publications:
The Windsmith Elegy: The Long Woman / Windsmith / The Well under the Sea / The Burning Path / This Fearful Tempest
Silver Branch: bardic poems & letters to a young bard
Writing the Land: an anthology of natural words (editor and contributor)
One poem in Soul of the Earth: the Awen anthology of eco-spiritual poetry
Introduction in Tidal Shift: selected poems by Mary Palmer
An Ecobardic Manifesto: a vision for the arts in a time of environmental crisis (co-author)
Other publications:
The Way of Awen: journey of a bard (O Books)
The Bardic Handbook (Gothic Image)
Lost Islands (Heart of Albion Press)
The Book of the Bardic Chair (editor) (R J Stewart Books)
Turning the Wheel: seasonal Britain on two wheels (O Books)
Desiring Dragons: creativity, imagination & the writer's quest (Compass Books)
Oxfordshire Folk Tales (History Press)
Northamptonshire Folk Tales (History Press)
Ballad Tales (editor) (History Press)
Heavy Weather: tempestuous tales of stranger climes (editor) (British Library)
Lost Border (Chrysalis)
Herepath: a Wiltshire songline (Freebooter Press)