Soul Of The Earth is an anthology of Eco-spiritual poetry edited by Jay Ramsay and with an afterword by Anthony Nanson. A number of Awen authors were involved in this project, links to their individual poetry titles are included blow.
The following poets contributed one or more pieces to the collection:
Roselle Angwin
Aidan Andrew Dunn
Diana Durham
Karen Eberhardt-Shelton
Rose Flint
Dawn Gorman
Alyson Hallett
Jeremy Hooker
Adam Horovitz
Charlotte Hussey (Glossing the Spoils)
Irina Kuzminsky (Dancing with Dark Goddesses)
Kevan Manwaring (The Immanent Moment)
Paul Matthews
Jehanne Mehta (poem published here on the blog)
Margie McCallum
Gabriel Bradford Millar (Crackle of Almonds)
Helen Moore
Paul Nelson
Jennie Powell
Jay Ramsay (Places of Truth)
Lynne Wycherley
Find out more about Soul of the Earth here –