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Aidan Andrew Dun

Aidan Andrew Dun is a poet, composer, and psychogeographer. His exploration of the mysteries of Kings Cross in the epic Vale Royal (Goldmark, 1995, launched at the Albert Hall) caused a groundswell of interest in this extraordinary zone of London. Universal (Goldmark, 2002, launched at City Lights) is set in India, the West Indies, and Morocco. The Uninhabitable City (Goldmark), a collection of short poems, appeared in 2005; Salvia Divinorum (Goldmark), an alchemical text in four movements, in 2007. McCool (Goldmark, 2010), a verse novel in nearly 300 rhyming sonnets, has its background in London and Lebanon and is the story of a love triangle set against world conflagration and the ‘clash of civilisations’. Aidan performs his work with the magical Czech pianist Lucie Rejchrtova. Grooves, impressionistic Satie-esque soundscapes support the words of a man who has been called a Blakean messenger. They have performed in London, Amsterdam, Prague, and Paris.


Awen publication:


Aidan has contributed one poem to Soul of the Earth: the Awen anthology of eco-spiritual poetry




Other publications:


Vale Royal


The Uninhabitable City

Salvia Divinorum


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